Thursday, May 28, 2020

Use Your Personality Type to Achieve Success at Work

Use Your Personality Type to Achieve Success at Work Everyones heard of MBTI (Myers-Briggs) or Enneagram, and maybe even their love language. While not all apply to workâ€"though learning your teams love language can help you quickly learn how to make them feel validated and appreciatedâ€"they still help you define and understand what helps you work best. Though less well-known, Sally Hogsheads personality test on How to Fascinate reveals the opposite. Instead of showcasing ways to better understand yourself, this personality test reveals what about you intrigues  other  people. This can help in many ways, as it can quickly teach you how to market yourself based on your primary and secondary advantage types. Between these two advantages, there are 49 archetypes in total, but dont let that overwhelm you.  Credit  has broken down how to look at these  different personality types  from a high level to help you achieve success at work. For example, if youre someone who intrigues people with mystique, people find you interesting because you are often thoughtful and take time to think before you speak. Your listening skills are what build influence, making you a great fit to be a doctor, CTO, or even an author like J.K. Rowling! By contrast, if you intrigue people with power, people are often drawn to you because of your confidence and conviction, making you a great fit to be a coach or attorney. While this may seem like a skill that can only be used when youre trying to sell yourself for a job interview, it really comes in handy for your day-to-day work as well. If someone asks you about your opinion on something, think to how you fascinate people. For instance, if passion is your primary advantage, you can convince a coworker to pursue your idea or even your boss by advocating for what excites you most. If youre someone whos advantage is trust, then lean into discussing tried and true methods that you know work to help convince people. Or, if you intrigue people with mystique, theres nothing more interesting than taking time to answer a question by pausing and thinking before speaking. Itll immediately convince the person youre speaking to that youve been taking the time to internalize what theyre asking and give them the best answer possible! Of course, before you learn the best way to approach any situation at work, you also want to make sure you know which skill is primary and secondary. The primary skill is what you lead with, so this may feel like the most distinct part of your personality when you first learn about how you fascinate. The secondary advantage you have may be more subtle, so you may be surprised at first by your quiz results, but take time to think about how you approach meeting new people, selling yourself in an interview, or what you value in yourself and this may point to your secondary advantage. Though it is helpful to know which is primary and secondary, knowing how they work in tandem can be the most revealing. For instance, if your primary trait is innovation, but your secondary trait is mystique, your two main languages of communication are creativity and listening. This makes you the provocateur archetype, meaning you value cutting-edge thinking and creativity, but also tend to intrigue with understatement and subtle styles. Use this to your advantage in the workplace by tweaking small details in a project that take something in a new direction to surprise your manager and peers. Use alone time to get extra creative, and be wary of too much group time as this can distract you from what youre seeking to achieve, often draining you of creativity because youre influenced by groupthink. While this is one example, it shows a great way you can learn about yourself to influence people in the workplace for a positive impact! About the author: Emma Walsh is a content creator and creative writer. She obsesses over personality type quizzes like MBTI and enneagram (shes an INFJ and type 1, respectively). In her spare time, she likes to write fiction and cook delicious recipes.

Monday, May 25, 2020


BE TRUE TO THINE OWN DREAM CAREER Time is of the essence! It is a familiar adage echoed by modern women juggling multiple tasks between relationships or marriage, family and career, or all of the above. It is an elusive priceless commodity of which we are all equally apportioned. Which is why I find it so disturbingâ€"and more common than notâ€"to meet a woman working in a career that is NOT of her deliberate intention. Armed with education and valuable skill sets, society continues to be short-changed in benefiting from what women have to offer. Justifying their career choice, women explain themselves like: “Well ya know, it was the only job that responded and I needed to work. Or, the divorce drove me into bankruptcy and I had to do something. Often I hear, my student loans had gone into default and one year turned into ten. Or, my husband’s job moved us to a new location and it was the only work I could find.” Time and again, women are settling into careers rather than pursuing the goal of their deepest desire. While women have been traditionally socialized to believe that relationships or marriage is an essential component to our wholeness; nothing could be further from the truth. Our feeling of professional fulfillment takes precedence over the institutionalized constraints of marriage. I remember a time when my life was consumed in a relationship. Catering to the ambitions of my partner, my life was consumed in his world, his business and what he wanted. And being the resourceful, intelligent, make-it-happen, go-to person that I been created to be (as many women are), I become the driving force behind much of his success, yet I felt the most unhappiest and more unfulfilled than I had ever been. The dream career would call me every single dayâ€"without fail! Okay, so I wanted to write. Something about a freshly sharpened pencil and blank stack of paper excited my spirit in a way that only a writer could appreciate. Yes, they were my personal diamonds demanding of me the time and space to create and burst bright. They were the magic wand in unleashing the stories, the novels and screenplays suffocating within me, yearning to come to life. Many a day I secretly wept; the endless hours absorbed in tasks of which I had no interest. I wanted to scream (and sometimes did) living as an imposter in my own life. I became angry counting the years that regrettably passed and though I protested against my all-consuming existence, my cries landed on deaf ears. No one could understand how I would even fathom giving up all the trappings of success to pursue a calling. Well, I later learned that it’s not for anyone to understandâ€"except you. Responding to one’s call only requires your understanding, your faith, and your participation. Approval is not required. Gone are the days of a “breadwinning” spouse, and since you are forced to work anyway, why not pursue that dream career. Begin today by making a decision not to waste another day because, well, tomorrow is not promised. But in the event that it does come, you want to be firmly positioned in the realm of purpose, free from the regret of self-betrayal. By nature women are nurturers, socialized to please those that we love and make sacrifices. We abide by such taught beliefs and lose ourselves in the process. So I woke up one day refusing to go to work. Yep, just like that! No longer would I carry on in that capacity and began a plan of action. Several hours of each day were dedicated to my writing. Adjustments were made in my absence in the business and guess what? The world kept turning, and I, for the first, time felt no resistance and I was a component of that revolution. What a liberating feeling. Then I pursued a post-graduate degree after working hours and surrounded myself with like-minded women. The relationship with my significant other eventually came to its demise and it was the best thing that had ever happened. The personal fulfillment of any woman should in no way conflict or have to compete with her partners’ interest. Not a whole lot has changed in terms of men’s attitudes toward women and the pursuit of their careers. We find ourselves having to massage their fragile egos, marginalize our dreams and assure them that our endeavors will not upstage or overpower theirs. And even at that, the numbers aren’t indicating longevity in successful relationships. Is the career of your dreams calling you? Listen to your gut instincts, get clear on your goals and assess your personal situation. It doesn’t matter where you are. Get still, read much and if for only 15 minutes a day, engage in some thought or activity that inspires your movement forward. Like hope, the dream career deferred only makes the heart sick, but a desire fulfilled is the tree of life.

Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Feminine Resume, A Free Template for Microsoft Word

The Feminine Resume, A Free Template for Microsoft Word The Feminine Resume, A Free Template for Microsoft Word Some jobs are seriously feminine in nature. And even when not, being a bit feminine in your application materials can be a good thing. This modern resume template has great horizontal section divisions and uses a pink border and section title colors. Muted, typically feminine, colors work well. And, to demonstrate that you also have a strong side, note the “Objective” section in black, a decidedly masculine color. Let both your soft and hard sides show with this template â€" you can be feminine and assertive at the same time.One word about the term “Resume Objective.” Some applicants prefer to use the term “Profile,” because it speaks to achievements and value you can bring rather than what your own goals are. Employers like to see this.To access this template, download the zip file and extract the template. If you want the same fonts, download and install the fonts listed in the documentation too. Open it up and simply put your own content in MS Word! File size: 188 KB F ormat: .docx Downloaded 30,939 times License: Free, personal use only. Please read the license terms for resources. Download previous article How to make a Great First Impression at your Job Interview next article The Definitive Guide to Resume Objective Statements (With 10 Punchy Examples Included) you might also likeCadmium Yellow: Simple, Yet Elegant Resume Template

Sunday, May 17, 2020

How to Zip It in Job Interviews

How to Zip It in Job Interviews I had a client see me last week because she was concerned she would go off on a tangent in her job interview. She said she talked so much she was afraid she would lose the interviewer or shoot herself in the foot with something she said. She’d done it before and blown her chances. Talking hind legs off donkeys? This is not uncommon in an interview. Many people talk too much when they want to be believed. And a job interview is a real scenario where your faith in yourself is being challenged. My client said she talked too much because she thought that the interviewer was asking her for “more information” when they were looking at her blankly, so she felt she needed to keep going and going. She’d eventually forget the question she was answering. She also said that she was trying to cover all points, because often she didn’t quite understand what the interviewer was asking her. My thoughts on this are, that if you are a chronic over-talker, to stop yourself talking and change your natural style will make you uncomfortable, so don’t try to be something you’re not in interview. What you can do though, is help the interviewer help you manage it. Have I confused you? Good communication is in how the message is received. There are some interviewers who like bullet points and some who like detail. If you’re a detail person, and your interviewer is a bullet pointer, you have a problem. You’ll not know this from the outset, so ask: “would you like me to give you detail or would you like the bullet points?” If you know this, you can work with this, and you’re more likely to stick with bullet points, if that’s what the interviewer prefers. You’re less likely to go off on a tangent at that point you see the interviewer’s eyes glaze over and you suddenly want to be believed. Try these three tips next time: Clarify:  If you don’t understand the point of the question clarify it at the start. Good questions to ask are “I’m not sure I quite understand the question” or “are you asking me about ‘a’ or ‘b’?” Once you get the point of the question, you can concentrate better on answering it. I know I am making this sound more complicated than it is, but think of what you naturally might do in a non interview conversation. Ask in chunks:  If the interview question is complicated and in two or three parts it is also easy to lose track of what you’re talking about. You can ask the interviewer to ask you that question in parts if it sounds like you might not remember it. For some reason long multi-part questions seem to be really common in the public sector interviews. I have no idea why! The body speaks:  Watch the interviewer’s body language. If you do see the “poker face/eyes glaze over” that’s a good indication that you’ve lost your audience. Whatever you do, don’t keep going. Keep it light and keep it real. There’s nothing wrong with saying something along the lines of â€" I don’t think I’ve answered your question here, can you ask me it again? Final word of advice: Make your weakness your strength. One of the things interviewers want to see is that you are self-aware. I am a detail person. I talk a lot and fast when I need to be believed. So one of the things that has worked well for me and my clients is saying “when I get excited about a topic I tend to give a lot of detail. Please stop me if you’ve heard enough.” Further reading: Are You Making These 5 Common Interview Mistakes?

Thursday, May 14, 2020

5 Different Ways to Ask for a Raise

5 Different Ways to Ask for a Raise Even though you might have been happy with your position and your salary when you first took your current job, you might be ready to move up the ladder.Perhaps you have put in a lot of hard work and feel that you deserve a little bit of financial compensation for it, or you might just feel as if your wages have stagnated even though the cost of living hasn’t.evalRegardless, even though you might want to ask your boss for a raise, you might be a bit nervous about doing so. This is totally natural, but you should know that there are various ways that you can ask for an increase in pay.These are a few options that you can try if you’d like to try to increase your salary.1) Find Out About What Others are MakingevalIt’s not a good idea to ask your co-workers what they are making when you’re all standing around the water cooler. However, it’s never a bad idea to do your research about what others in a similar position as yours are making throughout your city and the rest of the c ountry.If you find that a raise would make sense and would help put you more in line with what others in your position and with your experience are making, bringing this up to your boss can be a good way to get the raise that you deserve.2) Talk to Your Boss About Your Career GoalsNot all raise-related conversations actually have to be about money. If you have real goals of moving up the ladder, it’s always a good idea to talk to your boss about it.He or she might be impressed by your drive to be successful, and you might get some real guidance about how to get a better If that someone is you, you might find that you will be well-compensated for it financially. If you see a need within your company and talk to your boss about taking on that added job, he or she might just offer you a pay raise when you least expect it.4) Mention it at Your Next Performance ReviewMany companies do an executive assessment of their employees and their performance on a periodic basis. If you do well a t your next performance review, you might find that it’s a good time to bring up the idea of getting a raise as well as to talk about other things related to your job.Some employers actually also automatically give raises to employees who have been with the company a certain length of time and who do well on their reviews.5) Bring Up Your SuccessesevalYour boss might be busy, and he or she might not really realize just how much you do for the company. This means that you might not get the automatic raise that you deserve, even if you have been doing good things.evalThere is nothing wrong with sitting down with your boss to discuss all of the positive things that you have been doing for the business since you have been in your position. This can help you ensure that you get credit for being a good employee, and it can help increase your chances of getting a raise as well.Asking for an increase in pay can be tough, but there are a few ways that you can go about doing it.If you try o ne or more of these strategies, you might just find that you will finally get the pay increase that you have been hoping for.Plus, it could help you achieve your other work-related goals as well, such as potentially moving up within the company.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

What is Your Threshold for Change

What is Your Threshold for Change We have a fixed capacity for change.   Change, whether good or bad (wanted our unwanted) adds up like water in a glass.   Each person can only handle a certain level,  because the glass can only hold so much.   Once it reaches the top, it overflows and kablooie, and we flip/tilt/explode/blow. This why resiliency is important.   The more resilient, the higher the threshold for change or the taller the glass of water. I attended a presentation, Change for Change Agents, in which Karen Barrow discussed the complexities of implementing change within an organization.   Karen has significant experience in OD (organization development) and corporate change consulting. What I walked away from her presentation with was that more than ever before we are our own business.   The term Me Inc has been around awhile.   Everytime a reference was made to the company or organization, I replaced it with Me Inc.   It all worked. Me Inc needs to find a way to make change acceptable. This means Me Inc needs a plan.   Here are the things that  need to be considered by Me Incs plan. Perceptions of the change Because we avoid abiguity, we need to provide  ways of implementing direct and indirect control of the uncertainty. Motivation toward change Resistance is a multi-step process.   Each step leads closer to acceptance of change and when that happens, there is motivation. Commitment to change This too, is a process.   Preparation, acceptance and committment. If you want to understand more about organization change, Managing at the Speed of Change, by Darryl Connor is an good source of information and an easy read. If you want to read more about Me, Inc concepts, youll  want to read Tom Peters  early article on the Brand called You.

Friday, May 8, 2020

How To Create Your Perfect Resume

How To Create Your Perfect ResumeOnline programs like MyPerfectResume Com can help you land your dream job faster than you ever imagined. This site is especially designed for people who are looking to hire someone, whether it's to work at home or for a part-time business. Here is how this great site helps you achieve a dream job:You will need to build up your perfect resume before you even visit the site. This is a special layout for people who need to build their resume from scratch, and it can be a bit difficult to figure out what needs to be added to your resume. The problem is that, depending on how many pages you have to add, some online programs can be a bit confusing. This means that if you only want a few points added to your resume, MyPerfectResume Com might not be the best option for you.Once you have created your resume, you will start to see the changes in your resume. Most people will start by adding in any relevant work experience they may have. This is where a lot of p eople struggle because they can't always remember what they have done when they start creating their resume. This is where MyPerfectResume Com comes in handy, because it will give you the option to add in additional work experience and even complete your college degree. This way, you will be able to keep track of everything.After you have gotten all the work experience, you will be ready to go into more detail when creating your perfect resume. By this time, you will also want to include in your resume any special skills that you have. Sometimes, these skills will be really valuable to your future employer, and they might be able to point you to jobs. If you can get a few points for these, they might be all you need to land that dream job.Once you have had some practice working on your resume, you will want to write down your thoughts. When you are doing this, keep in mind that the goal is to make your resume look clean and crisp. The only way to do this is to write out the content in a straight line, so it looks much easier to read. Try to get every point in your resume, without having to scroll back and forth, so it is easy to read.To make your resume stand out, you will want to use an online application program like MyPerfectResume Com. You should also include all the information you have included in your resume and add in all the extra ones you might have forgotten. Just make sure that you use the same fonts, colors, and layout for your resume. If you have plenty of free space on your hard drive, this will make your resume look great. If you do not have enough space, then you will need to use a different program to print your resume.You may even decide to buy a printed resume for people to mail to employers, if you don't feel like creating your own. Online programs can give you a pretty nice look, but printing is definitely the way to go. Of course, you will want to make sure that you don't send your resume through an online program that only costs $35. A printable resume is still a great idea, because many employers will check their company's website to see if you might be available for an interview. If you create a printable resume, you will save yourself a lot of time.The bottom line is that if you want to make your perfect resume, you will need to practice to make it look as professional as possible. MyPerfectResume Com is a great program to use if you want to get a jump start on creating your perfect resume, and it can help you land your dream job.